Approved for All Ages

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

Josh Hutcherson reprises his role as young adventurer Sean Anderson in this exciting follow-up to the 2008 worldwide hit Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D, the first live-action film ever to be shot in digital 3D.

Dwayne Johnson stars as Sean’s stepfather, Hank Parsons and Michael Caine as Sean’s grandfather, Alexander Anderson.

Vanessa Hudgens and Luis Guzman star as a father-daughter tour guide team and Kristin Davis as Sean’s mom, Liz Anderson.

The new journey begins when Sean receives a coded distress signal from a mysterious island where no island should exist – a place of strange life forms, mountains of gold, deadly volcanoes, and more than one astonishing secret. Unable to stop him from going, Sean’s new stepfather joins the quest.

Together with a helicopter pilot and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter, they set out to find the island, rescue its lone inhabitant and escape before seismic shock-waves force the island under the sea and bury its treasures forever.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

This second “journey” is well worth taking! This is one of the best “family-oriented” films we have seen in sometime. It offers something for everyone: breakneck action and adventure, romance, fantastic special effects featuring giant lizards and bees, and quotations and references from Jules Verne’s classics. The 3D effects are some of the best in recent memory.

In this follow-up to “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, young Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson) is a few years older, rides a motorcycle, and is wary of his step-father Hank, played by “The Rock”, Dwayne Johnson. Yet it is Hank who helps Sean decipher an encrypted message from his grandfather. To help him and hopefully form a bond, Hank accompanies Sean to Palau to try to locate his grandfather. They travel by helicopter and the father-daughter tour guides, Gabato (Luis Guzmán) and Kailani (Vanessa Hudgens) wind up sticking around much longer than they planned. Gabato provides comic relief and his pretty daughter Kailani draws Sean’s undivided attention. Soon they locate Sean’s grandpa, played by Michael Caine, and the adventures are on. They run into much more than they bargained for including some amazing creatures on the Mysterious Island. The island itself is beautiful, featuring lush foliage, rushing waterfalls, fantastic peaks and gorgeous butterflies. Ultimately, the would-be heroes pursue Captain Nemo’s submarine, the Nautilus, as their only hope of getting off the island before a surprising catastrophe occurs.

Here is a movie which features wonderful themes such as a young man bonding with his step-father, and finding his first love. The literary references to Jules Verne are inspiring and educational. You’ve never been on a journey like this one. This is one fun ride and we highly recommend this movie, and award it our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal and five Doves to boot! This is one movie you can truly enjoy with your family. So whose up for an adventure?

Dove Rating Details




Police pursue a young man on a motorcycle but he changes his ways; young man on a cycle runs over a gnome and winds up in a pool in a homeowner's back yard; a helicopter is struck by lightning; a girl falls a long distance; large birds pursue the humans; birds collide with one another; a large lizard chases the humans; a large creature nips at a man's hand; an electric eel pursues a couple of characters; a character falls off a large bee and hurts his ankle; a character falls down a hill; a girl swats away a large creature which jumps in front of her.


A young couple shares a kiss.


Freaking-1; Crap-1; Poop-1


Police pursue a young man on a motorcycle but he changes his ways; young man on a cycle runs over a gnome and winds up in a pool in a homeowner's back yard; a helicopter is struck by lightning; a girl falls a long distance; large birds pursue the humans; birds collide with one another; a large lizard chases the humans; a large creature nips at a man's hand; an electric eel pursues a couple of characters; a character falls off a large bee and hurts his ankle; a character falls down a hill; a girl swats away a large creature which jumps in front of her.




Cleavage; Bare midriff.


A young man speaks with disrespect to his step-father but changes and does some growing up; a large bird lets down a dropping on a character; tension between a few characters.

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