Fern, an orphan teenage girl and her loving but slightly rough-around-the-edges Uncle Cal, move to Bethlehem, Kentucky just before Christmas. Uncle Cal has the responsibility digging the local school district out of the mire of an impending financial demise. The funding for the school programs of sports, music, and academics are all on the table for review.
Young Fern is angry about adjusting to yet another change and misses her mother terribly. Adding to her frustration is their move into the home of her eccentric grandfather who views all of life through his past experience of military service.
When Lily Waite, the beloved and beautiful school music teacher enters their world, things begin to change. Fern begins to resurrect the love of music she shared with her late mother. Cal takes a shine to lovely Lily with an uncanny gifting to make Cal more attune to the needs of his insecure, gifted and yet struggling niece. Hope for the school and Fern abound with Lily’s tender touch engaged.
However, conflicts arise and tensions in the town elevate when difficult choices within the school need to be made- threatening relationships, dreams and hopes both personally and professionally for all involved in this touching story.
Strong family values, difficult subjects, love, determination and commitment to students in the school as well as the individual players are featured throughout. Families of all ages will enjoy this touching and uplifting holiday story and we are pleased to approve this film for viewers of all ages with the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal!