The Sons of Mistletoe Orphanage is a lively residential home for troubled foster boys run by the impetuous and boyish Jimmy Adams, himself a former resident of the home in his younger days. Jimmy and the boys live in a drafty, dilapidated old home in a small town filled with more love than money. The town’s well-being and future along with that of the boys is threatened as Radke of Radke’s department store, the town’s largest employer and benefactor of the orphanage, has died. His daughter Helen, who holds the responsibility of her father’s estate, does not hold the same philanthropic passion and love towards this little town and the misfits of Mistletoe Orphanage as her father once did.
Jimmy loves this eclectic blend of teen and preteen boys with a passion. He relates to the boys and is committed to keeping the home in operation as it begins to fold in from all sides, both physically and financially.
Love, commitment and passion for what matters is woven throughout this heartwarming holiday tale. Families with children of all ages will delight in the antics of this diverse group of boys as they grapple with the possible loss of the only stable influence in their world- Mistletoe Orphanage and Jimmy.
We are pleased to award this wonderful family film the Dove Seal and approve it for all ages.