This DVD is a delight to watch! It contains great visuals of toy and real-life trains, perky songs, educational facts about the history of trains, and even a few jokes. For example, why did the cookie look sad? He was feeling crummy! There are more jokes but we won’t spoil them for you or your children.
The songs featured include “Trains on the Brain”, “It’s time to get all aboard” and “Let’s take a ride on a Train”. There is also a Halloween train and we see animated ghosts and ghouls and toy witches stirring a brew and lit-up jack o’ lanterns to boot. It was neat to see the train move forward through the fog. Visually, this is a pleasant DVD to watch. And something is always happening on the screen.
In addition we meet Scott from Flint, Michigan, who builds Lego trains and towns. We learn a Harry Potter train and a Christmas train are his two favorites. We even see a miniature Mt. Rushmore as a miniature train goes by. This DVD will leave you knowing more about trains after watching it than you did before. We highly recommend it for its educational value in addition to its wonderful focus on a popular hobby, model railroading. We are pleased to award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to this DVD for all ages. All aboard!