This Romantic Comedy is Funny, Creative, and Relatable! This movie manages to make real-life and difficult situations amusing as two sisters work together to keep the family going after their father is arrested for fraud.
Elinor (Ashley Williams) takes a job as a custodian at a spa and her sister Marianne (Marla Sokoloff) winds up as an office assistant, making copies of papers for workers and dealing with grouchy people. She also uses the last name of Webb instead of Dashwood since a lot of people are aware of the scandal surrounding her father. The sisters work hard to provide medicine for their youngest sister, Margaret, who has a rare form of leukemia which can be treated by the costly medicine.
The movie is a modern take on the novel “Sense and Sensibility” by Jane Austen. The word “scents” is used because of one sister’s practice of using flowers in making a lotion. Elinor is the sensible one and Marianne is the emotional one. Marianne has a gift in making a flowery lotion which soothes aches and soon after Elinor uses some on a lady at the spa, the requests pour in for more. However, the spa owner is unscrupulous and plans to steal the lotion to market it for herself. The spa owner’s brother, Edward, falls for Elinor and soon there are a few loose ends to tie up. Marianne’s fiancé, John, is supposed to go to Switzerland for a job but stays at home without telling her and schemes to get rich quick by dating the daughter of a wealthy businessman. When Marianne meets a young man named Brandon at her office job, new possibilities open for her.
This story features themes of perseverance and forgiveness and striving together with others to achieve a goal. It features some nice humorous scenes too such as Elinor’s first job attempt in a gorilla suit selling Gorilla Smoothies, her singing and dancing with her mop while cleaning, and Edward giving her a bowling lesson. This movie is approved for ages twelve plus due to its sophisticated themes but parents might be fine with kids just under twelve viewing it as there is no strong content in it. This is a nice story with some very good scenes in it and we are happy to say it has earned our Dove Seal for family viewing! Watch it soon and you might be inspired to deal with your tough moments in life a bit more creatively and with humor.