This is a touching story of the journey of two children to their new home following their mother’s death. It is based on a true story.
The story contains themes of perseverance and moving forward after life drops a bomb which in this case is the death of the children’s mother. When their mother dies of AIDS in a third world country the brother and sister pull and push the mother’s body (which lies in a home-made coffin) to their uncle and aunt’s home. The uncle doesn’t want the kids because of the way the mother died, from the HIV virus. The children run away but through the intervention of the local minister, who reminds the uncle that Christ often comes to us in the form of someone who is needy or a child, the uncle changes his mind and he gives the children a home.
This is a warm and touching story which offers a hope and a future to those who have endured hardship. We gladly award this DVD our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages, although the movie features a few intense scenes which may frighten the very young. It is more suitable for ages eight and up. This is a good story and should be seen!