“Transformers Prime: One Shall Stand” is an almost nonstop animated action journey between arch enemies in a galactic journey as Megatron and Optimus Prime fight a classic battle of good vs. evil. These robotic creatures shift and change to use all of their battle ready weapons–lasers, swords, claws and explosives to name a few! The story line is about an evil within the bowels of the earth that can’t be eliminated but must be defeated. Woven in this fast-moving tale is friendship, loyalty, intimidation and the sacrifice of being willing to lay down what is important to a few for the good of many–even if it means taking chances and risks that in another day may have been unthinkable.
The battle action portrays slicing, dicing, heads rolling, robotic body parts flying, and evil “bots” with glowing eyes, sinister voices and an ethereal presence–which makes this film too intense for the younger set. Children twelve and over will most likely enjoy the action and parents will enjoy the good- winning-over-evil story line if they can endure 154 minutes of robotic battles and we are happy to present this animated feature film the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.