“Fatherless” is an intriguing and thought-provoking read. The book takes a look at many “what-if” scenarios as it follows four families of various economic positions and scrutinizes the plans of the politicians who run our future country. What if assisted suicide was legal and considered a compassionate and heroic method of helping your family? What if we could eliminate genetic issues for every child through testing and only conceiving via in-vitro? What would the socio-economic and spiritual results be?
The authors—including the well-known Dr. James Dobson—don’t neatly wrap up every question. Rather, they allow you to ponder many scenarios for yourself through the eyes and emotions of the characters. Although the main storylines at times carry heavy political conversations complete with statics and economic factors, the plotlines keep you moving through the pages wondering what will happen next.
“Fatherless” also presents a realistic portrayal of society’s views on sexuality. The characters represent both sides of the spectrum: those who believe in a free and unattached sex life and those who are committed to purity and marriage. The authors don’t shy away from the struggles of each side. The story also presents a refreshing and beautiful picture of a marriage that endures and thrives through the pressures of untrue accusations, heavy workloads, and challenging child-rearing situations.
Because of the mature themes, we give this book a family-friendly rating for ages 12 and above.