Not to be outdone by “Snow White and the Huntsman”, this adaptation of the well-known children’s fable “Hansel and Gretel” begins where the original story ends. The wicked witch’s plan to fatten up the two children before eating them is foiled. Then, the bloodbath begins. The animation over opening credits is filled with decapitations, stabbings, and beheadings as a preamble of things to come throughout the movie. The violence is so rampant, that it was impossible to track.
Since this film is produced by SNL alum, Will Farrell, there is some comedic banter to help lighten the otherwise horrific story. But all in all, this is a bloody battle, with some partial nudity and profanity thrown in for good measure. Another disturbing factor is the indication at the movie’s end that there may be sequels in the making. Obviously, this is not a family-approved film.