Many people know of someone who has an addiction problem. In “Home Run”, the central character is a professional baseball player named “Cory” who is out of control and gets suspended from his team for his drunken antics. As a condition of the legal trouble he is facing due to his actions he must attend a 12-step program. At the suggestion of his agent he returns to the small town he grew up in and attends a Celebrate Recovery group that meets at the local church. While there he reconnects with his old girlfriend and spends time with her coaching the local little league team.
“Home Run” is a rare film that brings the audience along with Cory as he discovers that God is the only answer to his addiction. Until he surrenders his life and desires to Jesus, he can’t get better. There are many issues discussed in the film but the filmmakers handle the sensitive topics effectively without being graphic or vulgar. This film will touch everyone who sees it and may have a life-changing effect on those struggling with addictions in their own lives. We are pleased to award this moving and thought-provoking film our Dove “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages 12 and over due to the mature subject matter.