This is a terrific DVD series with David Barton and he is accompanied by former legislator Rick Green. Barton, in thirteen different programs spanning six DVDs, gives overwhelming historical evidence, including many quotes from original Declaration of Independence signers, to prove that this nation of the United States of America was founded on Christian principles and the freedom of religious expression was the intent.
Barton knows his stuff and with great knowledge answers various questions that Americans put to him including questions on democracy, history and about the original signers of the Declaration of Independence.
In “Preserving America’s Heritage”, Barton looks at the question: Are we a Christian nation? He shows that all 50 states have the Good Samaritan law which focuses on treating others the way we wish to be treated. He shows that we should be involved in government and voting. In “Foundations of American Government” he focuses on five principles. 1 Timothy 1:8-10 is used to show that God uses government to protect the “good guys” from the bad guys!
In “America’s Lost Heroes: African American Patriots” Barton shows from history that many blacks were scientists, soldiers, in congress, etc. Barton points out that Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush stated that all men are created equal. In “Remarkable Young Americans” Barton speaks of the Pony Express Riders, and of John Clem, a twelve-year-old Lieutenant in the war.
In “The Role of Government” Barton speaks about morals and values and examines historical documents. He speaks of civil law and man’s vertical relationship with God and horizontal relationships with family. In “Demystifying The Judicial System” he speaks of checks and balances in our government and the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government and shows that judges are accountable to the people.
In “Civil Stewardship: Duty Vs. Right” the rights of Americans are looked at in light of James 2:12 which shows that people must actively do what is right to pursue liberty. And Washington’s farewell speech is mentioned which clearly states you cannot separate religion from morality. In “The Truth of American Exceptionalism” it is stated that America has had exceptional wealth and blessings and unprecedented stability, liberty and prosperity, and it is tied in to her past devotion to God. As President Franklin Pierce stated, we need to rely on God.
In “Social Justice” Baron points out that in Jeremiah 31:23 God wants justice and in Romans 13:4 the Bible says that the government servant bears the sword not in vain but is to punish the wicked. The Ten Commandments deal with God being honored as part of them and socially it needs to happen. In “Politics In The Pulpit” Barton talks about the founding fathers and how clergy played a major role. “The Black Robed Regiment” is referenced. In “Christians In The Civil Arena” it is clearly stated that Christians need more involvement and the website is given so that Christians may know how candidates stand on various issues.
In “Changing A State And A Generation” Alexander Pope is quoted and he said that education forms the common mind. Barton states that Christians should elect people they do not have lobby in order to get them to vote from a Christian perspective. And, finally, in “Revival And Reformation” the Great Awakening and past revivals are mentioned. Barton speaks about George Whitefield, the man that gave 18,000 sermons in a thirty four year period. He states that groups are praying for revival in the land.
This fantastic series would make a great educational tool for your child or for anyone that wishes to become more involved in turning our nation once again toward God. We are happy to give this terrific six-DVD-set five Doves, our highest rating. Watch it soon and you will be happy you did.