The Big Wedding is the story of a dysfunctional, blended family that is trying to reconcile and forgive one another for past indiscretions, and there are many! This is a comedy which is supposed to add a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. This “medicine” however is debauchery, nudity, fetishes, fornication, unfaithfulness, misogyny, and profanity. No amount of sugar helps this medicine go down smoothly. The lesson learned from this movie was best expressed by an entertainment reporter on television when he said, “I can’t believe how naughty this film is.”
There are sexual references, innuendos, and double-entendres galore,not to mention several not-so-subtle cries of passion by one previously married couple and a young unmarried couple. (Did I mention that the young man was a committed virgin until marriage before this encounter?)
Needless to say, this family story is not family-friendly based on Dove standards.