This is a heartwarming story about two kids, eleven-year old Grace and a boy she meets, Howie, at camp. Both kids are considered “goats” by some of the popular campers and they are humiliated by being stripped of their clothes and left on a remote island. They comfort each other and are soon on the run together, with Grace calling her mother to come and get her.
They form a bond and rely on each other. They do steal some clothes and even stay at a motel by using deceit but they keep track of their debts too and are desperate. The performances by Annalise Basso as Grace and Chandler Canterbury as Howie are wonderful and their devotion to each other warms the heart. One of the nice lines of dialog in the film is this: “God has a way of giving you what you need during the tough times.” The two are a lot more powerful as a duo than they are alone. We are pleased to award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for ages twelve plus to this inspiring story of survival and friendship. If you are not a kid, this one will bring back the days you were.