This is a realistic story that clearly shows what damage can happen when people spread lies about others. The story is set in a high school but has the ability to touch those not only in high school but above as it deals with a caring mother who helps her struggling daughter. To the author, I thought this script was well written and the characters well defined. I think you make a great point about what can happen when lies are told and I think comparing Ashley’s situation to the Salem witch trials was a very good idea which really works. I really like the comment too, for those that struggle to find themselves in high school, that “High School isn’t forever.”
The history lessons including the story of the knights and chivalry and the fact they learned not only archery, horsemanship and swordsmanship but reading is really a neat inclusion in the script. Also that on page 27 honesty, generosity, justice and obedience to God is mentioned.
The characters of Nick, Carrie and Ashley, as well as all of them, are nicely developed and come across in realistic fashion. The story has a good and powerful ending. The themes include forgiveness, the willingness to change, and being truthful. We are pleased to award this wonderful story our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for ages twelve plus, and five Doves, our highest rating.