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The Brothers Grimm

This fantasy thriller, with some comedy, is set in small German villages in 1796. Will (Matt Damon) and Jake (Heath Ledger) Grimm have a reputation as successful exorcists of spirits and curses but are in reality con-artists who fake scenarios to get people to pay them to have bogus spirits removed. When girls like Little Red Riding Hood, Gretal and Snow White mysteriously disappear between Germany and France, communities panic and call the brothers Grimm into action. But the Grimms realize they have a true curse on their hands. Angelika (Lena Headey), who lost her family years ago in these woods, is the only one who understands the magical sorcery they face. Together, Will, Jake and Angelika battle trees and monsters of various sorts, but the Grimms still suspect they are being tricked as they have tricked others, but far more convincingly.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

The Brothers Grimm wrote down many Germanic folktales that have since become stories read in over 160 languages around the world. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were born in the mid 1700s and collected and wrote stories their entire lives, stories that most of us are familiar with, like “Cinderella,” “The Frog King,” “Hansel and Gretel” and “Little Briar-Rose,” which were very likely were read to us as children.

I think both Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm would be turning over in their graves to have a movie like “Brothers Grimm” carry their name and bits and pieces of their stories. One of the main problems with the film is there are portions of so many of their stories all combined in one film, desperately trying to put together some sort of cohesive plot. Director Terry Gilliam and writer Ehren Kruger fail to do so. The film is boring after awhile, not to mention confusing much of the time. It really doesn’t do justice to classic folktales from Germany.

The other problem is that “The Brothers Grimm” is supposed to be funny. It is listed as a comedy/horror film. I might have laughed once or twice, but in my estimation this is a far cry from being a comedy. The content, while being mild for many PG-13 films these days, is still too objectionable for a family audience. You can see from our content description that the list of violent acts and other creepy images in this film are too graphic in their presentation. I have a feeling that the Grim Reaper will ensure this film has a very short life span in the theaters.

Dove Rating Details




Man hit in the face; man is run through with a sword; man killed with an axe to his head; men shot for running away; two heads of men that were beheaded are pulled out of a bucket; man's half eaten body falls out of a tree; horse swallows little girl whole; woman guts an animal; men are shown hanging upside down being tortured.


Man sleeps with two women at the same time (implied).


S-1; C-1; G-3.


Man hit in the face; man is run through with a sword; man killed with an axe to his head; men shot for running away; two heads of men that were beheaded are pulled out of a bucket; man's half eaten body falls out of a tree; horse swallows little girl whole; woman guts an animal; men are shown hanging upside down being tortured.


Man is drunk; drinking at a German pub; man gives a boy an alcoholic drink.




Witch flying around a barn; some fairy tale-type of spell casting, creepy images of skeletons, wolves, ravens, etc.

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