The actor who plays Hercules, Kellan Lutz, looks like a combination between Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth. He is a likable Hercules and certainly has the physical build for the part. The film contains a lot of action and a love story in which the woman Hercules loves has been chosen by the king (and his stepfather) to marry his brother. There is a lot of angst in the movie. However, there are really too many sword fights and battles (including gladiator matches). The movie is at its best when it settles down and takes time for the audience to get to know the characters. The 3D is very good and works well for this film. That said, one character “damns” the gods and the king and we don’t award our Dove Seal to films which contain this cursing of others. Add this to the violence that is pretty much seen throughout the film, and a scene in which a god has a few sexual moments with a mortal woman, and we are unable to approve this one for family viewing.