This story is intelligently written and features a belief in God, angels, archangels, and demons. Aaron Eckhart plays an interesting Frankenstein or, as Queen Leonore (Miranda Otto), High Queen of the Gargoyle order, calls him, “Adam.” Eckhart’s creature is both sympathetic and powerfully violent when he deems it necessary. The movie centers on modern times although “Adam” was created previously some two hundred years earlier. An evil demon lord, in the guise of a man, is attempting to use corpses in waiting to eventually be inhabited by demon spirits. He just needs to re-animate the bodies and he plans to do so by obtaining Frankenstein’s journal from Adam.
The movie is action-packed and includes several battles between the demons and the good gargoyles. The good gargoyles in this story were established and led by Michael, the archangel. A physiologist named Terra (Yvonne Strahovski) assists Adam. She tells him he is only a monster if he acts like one. This is after someone else tells him that his life was not given by the grace of God but was “fabricated in a laboratory.” However, the film contains too much violence, even though much of it involves demons and gargoyles, for us to award our Dove Seal to it. Adam is hurt and bloodied on several occasions and one human is killed by his neck being crushed by a demon. The demons often burst into flames and are hideous in appearance. This one is a bit much for family viewing.