The Iesodo series presents two more delightful stories. These charming stories in this collection deal with having faith and the belief that anything is possible. Iesodo is the beautiful white dove that brings good news to the world of birds. He shows all the other birds that having faith brings miracles and helps you to do the things that are right.
In “Miracles are Everywhere”, Iesodo’s followers spread the good news and there is a great gathering of birds from far away to see Iesodo and they are in need of food. So Iesodo takes two fish and five nuts and makes enough food to feed the huge flock. He teaches his followers that when you have faith, anything is possible. In “The Wind & The Rain”, Iesodo teaches the birds another important lesson about having faith. He comes to them in a storm and saves them and shows them what faith can do for them. These two stories are parables of those in the Bible regarding the work of Jesus. They will entertain the entire family with this colorful animated series. We are proud to award these two tales the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages.
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