This film may open the door for parent-child discussions of proper behavior. The young hero is far from heroic: he yells at his mother, joyrides in stolen cars, and takes the law into his own hands. However, much of his behavior is attributable to his struggle over his father’s abandoning him. Less understandable is the wimpy behavior of the boy’s mother who can’t control him. The police and court authorities are depicted as fools. Most disturbing is the overall theme that gorillas are “our sibling species”; we differ in degree only, not in kind. Indeed, we should treat animals compassionately, but this humanistic worldview negates humankind’s distinction in God’s eyes. With only a limited amount of foul language and none of the sexual innuendoes so prominent in young-teen movies, this movie comes is recommendable at the 12+ level. As fodder for discussion, BORN TO BE WILD can be quite useful. As pure entertainment, it poses a threat to developing sensitivities and parent-child relationships.
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