Marion “Mad Dog’ Casie is out of a contract for football because he is a bragger, hot tempered and has a loud mouth when it comes to football. At home he depends on his wife to do everything for him and his daughter, but his life is about to change.
‘My Dad’s a Soccer Mom” is a charming wholesome movie that entertains the entire family. It is a story about how one big “bad” football player learns the importance of spending time with his child and what the meaning of love is. Marion’s new responsibilities are those of a parent while his wife returns to the workforce. But it is not as easy as he once believed as there is school, drama practice, ballet, and play dates. He soon discovers that his daughter Lacy is not happy with some of the activities that her mom has set up for her. Lacy is not the only child that is unhappy, some of the other girls her age also want to change. Marion gets the ball rolling in a change for the better for everyone: the girls, the moms and himself. The group as well as Marion learn it is better to do something you enjoy and are proud of than those things that just keep you busy. He also learns the real meaning of teamwork and love.We are proud to award this movie the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages.