“Greatest Heroes And Legends Of The Bible: The Story of Moses” is a wonderful, animated film featuring the voice of the classic “Ten Commandments” Moses, Charlton Heston himself. In fact, Heston introduces the story and mentions this fact. He speaks about how Moses was born some 1,200 years before Christ and how the Hebrews looked to him to lead them to freedom from Egyptian bondage.
Viewers see Moses as a baby and how his mother hid him in a basket, sending him through the river and bulrushes so he might escape Pharaoh’s decree that all babies be killed. Moses grows and plays alongside young Ramses, Pharaoh’s son and heir to the throne. Moses, older in a later scene, eventually discovers his heritage and kills an Egyptian who is whipping a Hebrew. He encounters God at the burning bush and discovers his purpose in God’s plan. He is to be the deliverer of the Hebrews from the Egyptians.
This animated movie features the story of the plagues of Egypt and the wonderful scene of the crossing of the Red Sea on dry ground. We are very happy to award our Faith Friendly Seal for all ages to this remarkable and inspiring animated film. “The Story Of Moses” is timeless!