This is an inspiring movie about an incredible young man named Derek Rabelo. He is now a famous surfer, but he was born blind. When his pregnant, unwed mother learned of the imminent birth, she considered an abortion but she and Derek’s dad, Ernesto, decided to have Derek. They lived for God and Derek’s father prayed his son would one day become a famous professional surfer. Guess what happened? He developed a love for surfing and became a professional and famous surfer! He has inspired untold numbers of people due to his determination and perseverance. He reached goal after goal, with his biggest one to surf a barrel at Pipeline in Hawaii. Does he reach that goal? You will have to watch to find out.
You will see a young couple with a child born blind, who meet Derek and take hope in their son’s future. You will smile, be inspired, and maybe shed a tear while watching this uplifting documentary. You will see Derek travel from Brazil to Hawaii to California and see the famous people he meets including fellow surfer Bethany Hamilton. The movie focuses on following God, setting goals and working hard to accomplish them, and remembering to be humble before God and friends and family. We are more than pleased to award this wonderful film our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for all ages. Derek shows viewers how to walk by faith and not by sight. As Derek sums it up, “Who am I to be so blessed? But God put some amazing people in my life.”