The Iesodo series presents two more of its delightful stories. The charming tales in this collection deal with having faith and offering forgiveness to those around you or those not on a good path in life.
In “The Good, the Bad, and the Vulture,” Iesodo and Maggie help Devon, the leader of the vultures, see his evil ways. They help him see that he can be forgiven and that no one is ever too old to change their ways. “Forgive and Forget” is a story about forgiveness when someone does something you think is unforgivable, and that we should not judge another if we don’t want to be judged in return. These two stories are similar to those told in the Bible about the work of Jesus. They will entertain the entire family with their colorful animation, and we are proud to award these two tales the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages.
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