This is a wonderful series based on the movie by the same title. Filled with charming comedy, heartwarming drama and stories that touch the heart, the entire family will want to watch every episode.
Where do letters go when they cannot be delivered? The DLO (dead letter office) of the Postal Service, of course. These letters were important to the sender and important to the receiver as well. This is a series of stories about the people in the DLO who work together as detectives to find the rightful owner(s) of the undeliverable mail. This team connects lives not only for other people but also with each other. Whether it is old letters between lovers, a letter from a dear member of the family, or a package, Oliver, Shane, Rita and Norman—each with their unique skills—discover the clues they need to complete their mission to deliver the unforgotten mail. Old and young alike will enjoy every episode of this series that brings to life stories about love, family and faith. I must warn you that, at times, a box of Kleenex is important to have at hand because these stories are filled with emotion, laughter and the encouraging message of helping others no matter how it may effect you. We are very proud to award this wholesome series the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. Episode 1: “Dear Grandmother”—a young grandson wants to reconnect with his grandmother, who is separated by circumstances; 2: “To Whom It May Concern”—a young girl was rescued by a soldier during the war; 3: “Soul Mates”—after many years, young love is still alive; 4: “The Masterpiece”—a piece of art is reunited with its rightful owner and family; 5: “The Edge of Forever”—a story of forgiveness after years of blame; 6: “The Future Me”—being yourself no matter who others think you are; 7: “Something Good”— helping others see the good in themselves; 8: “Dark of Night”—turning a bad situation into something good; 9: “The Treasure Box”—a tale of reflection about love and self; 10: “Hope & Future”—making decisions not only for yourself but for others to insure the future.
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