“He Knows My Name” is an inspiring film that offers hope! Based on a story by Ron Brough and Sally Meyer, it focuses on a girl named Rebekah (excellently played by talented young actress Melanie Stone). Rebekah lives with her widowed mother Sarah (Aimee Johnson) and her grandfather Reuben (Bruce Newbold). She has heard of the Messiah and wants to see him. The film opens with Jesus teaching the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus (Darin Southam) later visits Rebekah’s home and performs a miracle for her grandfather. Her mother, still grieving the loss of her husband and Rebekah’s father, has her hope rekindled, a hope that she will see her husband again one day.
This imaginative tale, integrated with the Biblical story of Jesus, features a plot line about the innkeeper who turned Joseph and Mary away, regretted his decision, and met Jesus as a grown man. The inspiring hope the film offers—that of seeing loved ones again and renewing hope—are wonderful themes. Sarah tells Rebekah they will not see her father again, but Jesus tells her that whoever believes in him shall yet live. We are very happy to award the movie our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for all ages. “He Knows My Name” is a film you don’t want to miss!