“Leaves of the Tree” is a unique film, featuring the mystery of a tree and its restorative leaves in Sicily. The film opens in Segesta, Sicily, in 1808, and robbers have wounded a man. A couple of men help him by placing him in a river and laying the restorative leaves from the tree on his chest. When he regains his consciousness, he learns from nuns passing by that the men who helped him left his clothes for him, but they have gone. The film jumps to present day and features various characters who are interested in studying the leaves to possibly come up with a pharmaceutical salve. One of these characters is a man named Patrick Messina (Eric Roberts), who is suffering from congestive heart failure and longs to make use of the leaves and help others. The solid cast includes Sean Young as Patrick’s wife, Sweetness, Armand Assante as Joe Buffa, Marisa Brown as Roberta Ryan, who joins the team to study the leaves, and Kresh Novakovic, who plays a character named Hank who becomes involved romantically with Roberta.
The priests of the local seminary, Don Diego and Don Pedro, also have an interest in the tree. Is it a true miracle tree? Do the priests have exclusive rights to the tree, or should it be available to all who need it? Will Patrick Messina survive his heart problem and find healing? This dramatic film features outstanding cinematography of the local landscapes. We are pleased to award it our Faith Friendly Seal for ages twelve plus. Enjoy this unique tale about healing.