“Joseph and Mary” is a unique story about the parents of Jesus: his earthly father and mother. Kevin Sorbo stars as Joseph in the film. The movie blends a fictional story about a rabbi named Elijah who realizes Jesus is special, along with the biblical narrative of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. This biblical narrative includes the visit of the Magi to Jesus at his birth and the story of the prophetess Anna and a man named Simeon, who get to lay eyes on the Messiah before they die.
The writers take some creative license in this film. Some of that creative license includes the rabbi Elijah, a friend of Joseph and Mary, helping out a widow named Rebekah and her son. When King Herod decrees the death of children two years of age and younger, his decree affects Rebekah in a tragic way. Elijah becomes her husband and Rebekah’s quest for vengeance is difficult for Elijah to deal with, especially when Jesus speaks to him of God’s forgiveness. Both Elijah and Rebekah will receive an opportunity to show forgiveness, and it isn’t easy. Joseph is a major influence on Elijah, in a good way. Due to a few violent scenes that include some blood, we award this film our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages 12 and over.