“Singing with Angels” is based on a real story. From the beginning of her life, Aubrey faced a challenge. Her parents were told she was not going to survive. When she was still a little baby, her brother wanted to see her and finally the doctor gave permission. So the little boy entered the hospital room and sang a song to her about God that changed everything.
Now grown and married, Aubrey has always wanted to be a member in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. This is her second tryout, but when her daughter gets sick, she almost misses her chance. However, the family sends her to the audition anyway, and she gets into the choir. As time progresses, many circumstances change her life, but the one thing that remained constant was the faith of her family. This emotional movie shows how God’s love is always present with us, no matter the circumstances. It also shows that when we share our love and faith with others, we can have a positive effect on them. The music from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is inspiring, as is the help that they show for others. We award this moving film the Dove “Faith-Friendly” Seal for all ages.
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