“The Angry Birds Movie” is a fast-paced film that features some humorous puns and comedic moments. For example, bird sicknesses, such as “bird flu,” “chicken pox,” and also the term “cardinal sin” are mentioned as something less than desirable. The angry birds, led by Red, battle against the pigs of Pig Island. The pigs come to visit Bird Island as friends, but in reality, plot to steal all of their eggs, which represent their future generations. A “Pig Latin” joke is featured in the film, as another example of the various puns that are used. The film has a lot of action-packed moments and birds of every kind.
However, we want to note that some of the movie is a bit risqué and may be offensive to some. For example, the book “Fifty Shades of Green” is shown on a shelf, and the term “Shell, yes” is used, as is “Pluck my life” and “Big flocking deal,” with obvious allusions to swear words. Parents should consult the content listing to make informed decisions. Some of the humor would be above children’s heads, but at any rate, “Angry Birds” is not a film intended for young children. One positive factor is the bird Red overcoming his temper and the birds “flocking” together. Sadly the innuendo, near-vulgar curse words and very crude humor put this one outside of our acceptability range for a family film.