“The Resurrection of Gavin Stone” is a nicely told story about hanging around the creek so long that you fall in. Gavin Stone (Brett Dalton) is the man that winds up converted, and he didn’t see it coming! Gavin hosts a party that got out of hand, and he is held responsible. He is given 200 hours of community service, and he must choose one of two options: dig in sewage or work at a church. Strangely enough, (or was it Divine intervention?) he chooses the church! He likes the pastor’s daughter and asks to perform in the church play as Jesus. The pastor agrees but wants Gavin to be a believer. Gavin lies, saying he is—a story line that is played for laughs. For example, his naivete shows when he grabs several pieces of the communion bread when it is served, and, when asked to pray, he goes online to find a prayer and to learn about being a Christian.
Being involved in the play and reading scripture leads Gavin to believe. You will have to watch the film to see where and when it happens. The film is humorous, dramatic and makes it clear that God is still in the conversion business. We are thrilled to award this movie our Faith-Friendly Seal for all ages, although it isn’t intended for very young viewers. “The Resurrection of Gavin Stone” is funny, dramatic, and will move you to laugh or to cheer—or possibly both!