“Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” is an action-packed, suspenseful movie starring Tom Cruise in the role of Reacher. He intends to uncover a conspiracy that involved the death of two innocent soldiers, and the besmirching of a lady soldier, Major Turner (Cobie Smulders), who is unjustly arrested. Reacher sets her free and he and Turner team up to unveil the dirty government secrets. However, things become more complicated when he learns a 15-year-old girl named Samantha (Danika Yarosh) may be his daughter, and a villain named The Hunter (Patrick Heusinger), decides that getting to the girl is the best way to get to Jack Reacher.
The movie does a good job of establishing a suspenseful plot, setting up a payoff for the various plot twists involving the conspiracy, a drug cover-up, and whether or not the deadly villain is defeated. In addition, the paternity question of whether or not Reacher is Samantha’s daughter is answered. It features humor too. After Reacher literally jumps from a building, he is asked if it hurt. “Yes,” he replies simply. Unfortunately, due to strong language and violence, and several sexual innuendos, we are unable to award the film our Dove Seal.