“Power Rangers” (2017) soars! It is an energetic, action-oriented film which, in many ways, pays homage to the original TV series. The originality and loyalty to the TV series is featured in the names and diversity which make up the Power Rangers. The acting is excellent, including Elizabeth Banks who plays Rita Repulsa as a truly evil, menacing enemy of the Power Rangers who searches for a crystal that will make her even more powerful. She has a deliciously evil laugh.
She wasn’t a rogue ranger in the original series as she is in this film version of the Power Rangers. The costume design for Rita and Goldar have changed, which some fans might not like, but there is no denying their menacing presence. Megazord is pretty cool too! The theme of this film is that the Rangers chosen must bond and care for one another before they can morph and save many endangered lives. When the dramatic moment occurred in the screening I saw, loud applause erupted in the audience. That is a pretty good sign. And this is a pretty good movie, with an interesting story of good versus evil, characters finding their strengths and relying on each other so that the greater good can be accomplished. These five Rangers are willing to sacrifice themselves if needed to save Angel Grove from possible annihilation.
So, see this movie! Give Jason (Red Ranger), Kimberly (Pink Ranger), Billy (Blue Ranger), Zack (Black Ranger), and Trini (Yellow Ranger) your support as they prepare to fight their greatest battle ever. See Jason’s father turn from being a hard-nosed dad to being proud of his son, especially when a certain ranger saves his life. See Zordon the talking head and Alpha as they nostalgically remind Power Rangers fans of the “good old days.” For Power Rangers fans, this is a must-watch. We are pleased to award the movie our Dove Family Approved Seal for ages 12-plus.