The heroic dream team for the DC universe is finally assembled in Zach Snyder’s highly anticipated Justice League. But despite having all the right ingredients for a sure-to-please super-hero flick, Snyder’s final product falls tragically short in its delivery with the potential of leaving fans horribly disappointed that this was the movie to follow 2017’s epic success, Wonder Woman. Still, true lovers of hero movies know that cheesy one-liners (and they are legion, I assure you) and video-game graphics often come with the territory. If you’re prepared for this sort of thing, and you’re not the type to be distracted by Superman’s digitally removed facial hair, you’ll have a fun night at the theater as your favorite heroes battle it out with some great KA-POW! action.
The plot is about as straightforward as they come. A team of extraordinary individuals is assembled by a fearless leader to take out a rising evil power whose dominance will surely mean the end of mankind as we know it. Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), the brooding billionaire and better known as Batman, spearheads this project. After discovering the sudden appearance of an ancient and alien evil, Wayne sets off to recruit his team. The first recruit, willing and eager, is the beautiful Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) who is now known in the world of men as Wonder Woman. Prince is no stranger to this ancient evil and informs Wayne of his name: Steppenwolf (Ciaran Hinds). She also informs Wayne that it was the Amazon warriors of old, in an alliance with men and the Atlanteans who first destroyed him, dividing his power source among each race to keep hidden under lock and key. But with Superman now dead, earth is vulnerable, and Steppenwolf has taken advantage, wasting no time in finding and uniting his divided power. A new team is needed. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman serve as leaders for the newly recruited: Barry Allen (Ezra Miller), the Flash, whose juvenile hype is accentuated in his lightning-fast speed, the tortured and reluctant Victor Stone (Ray Fisher), a.k.a. Cyborg, and the cocky lone wolf, Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa), known as the Aquaman. The assembly process takes up roughly half of the film time, leaving just enough time in the second half for the Justice League to work together in order to stop Steppenwolf and his rising army of darkness. KA-POW! Assuming the predictable plot and cringy dialogue doesn’t bother you, this film will leave you satisfied for a few months having scratched that fun, superhero itch. But if you’re wondering about whether or not the kids can go, here’s what you can expect from Dove’s perspective. Unfortunately, Justice League finds itself with toes over the boundary line for our criteria, so we cannot give it our Seal of Approval; however, I say toes for a reason. While it doesn’t have the seal, it’s a movie surrounded by plenty of hype, and if you’re on the fence about the kids going, you might find that there’s little to worry about. Regarding sexuality/nudity, this movie comes in with refreshingly low marks. Both Aquaman and Superman are seen shirtless and Wonder Woman sports some form fitting outfits throughout. If the trailer didn’t bother you, the movie has little more to throw at you in that regard. As far as language goes, this is where the movie receives a few strikes against it. There are enough fowl words used throughout (primarily “s” and “h”) that took it out of Dove’s range along with consistent violence; but again, it should be noted that the violence is the computer-generated-slow-motion kind of violence. You know, KA-POW!
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