This is a creative story with a lot of heart! It goes off in a direction that I didn’t expect—a good thing in this case. It opens with a lively dance number in the school hall—until a teacher stops it. But soon the story becomes about human suffering, difficulties, decisions, and how good can come out of life’s hard moments; entertainment with substance. In the film’s layered plot, Holly (Kira Murphy) is preparing for a regional dance competition but she is covering up an injury. Her mother knows things aren’t right with her, and she takes her to a doctor who breaks the sad news that Holly has a permanent injury and can’t dance anymore. A devastated Holly tears down her dance posters from her bedroom while her dance trophies seem to mock her as she breaks down and cries.
When a few jealous girls at Holly’s school don’t want her sitting with them at lunch time, Holly goes to the library where she meets a deaf girl named Alex (Rae Perez Chomwell). She becomes fascinated with Alex’s ability to read lips and use sign language. As their friendship grows, they help one another. Alex convinces Holly that since she can’t be the person she wanted to be, she needs to find out “who you really are.” Holly finds a talent she can use and in a way she didn’t expect. And Alex has her own battles—a math teacher, Mr. Fisher (Tyler Murree), who teaches with his back to the class, facing the board, and Alex to learn. However, a supportive principal finds a way. With Holly’s support, not to mention the fact that Alex meets a new boy named Noah (Dale Whibley), Alex begins to flourish as well.
This energetic movie tells a great story and features memorable characters. It is a good watch! It shows teens overcoming shortcomings and problems and makes a point that sometimes an apology is necessary. Incidentally, the actress that plays Holly (Kira Murphy) not only does a terrific job in the role but also wrote the script and produced the movie. We might have a star in the making!
The movie is an overall wholesome experience even with a few characters being testy and one girl calling a character “fat” when she really isn’t. Although the story is aimed more at ages 8 and above, we are awarding it our Dove Seal for All Ages.
The Dove Take:
The movie does a good job in presenting realistic school settings and the problems that high school students face: trying to fit in and finding one’s niche.