Directed by prolific filmmaker, Johnny Remo (A Letter to Dad, Saved by Grace), God’s Country Song is another quality faith-based film with an interesting story. The plot centers around Noah Bryan (nicely played by Justin Gaston). Noah dreams of becoming the next big country superstar, but he has a past that begins catching up to him. He learns that he is the father of a four-year-old boy named J.J. When Noah meets with Leeann (also well-played by Justene Alpert), the woman who has been caring for J.J., there is an attraction between Noah and Leeann. Leeann really cares for J.J. and it’s her goal to make sure that Noah makes time for his newly discovered son. When Noah moves back to his parents’ home, trouble soon brews as Noah and his father don’t see eye to eye. His dad doesn’t want him pursuing his dream of being a country star, and Noah believes his dad doesn’t appreciate the person that he is, and the talent that he has. Their past also includes dealing with the loss of Noah’s older brother.
The movie not only features solid acting, but great vocals from Noah. Dashes of humor are added to the film too, which keeps the film from becoming bogged down with too much sadness and drama. Another nice work of acting belongs to Christopher Michael, who plays Noah’s manager, Larry Walker. In one scene, Colt Young (Coffey Anderson), a big artist, is considering having Noah open his shows, and he and Larry have a humorous exchange. Colt tells Larry he looks good for “an old codger.” Larry replies that he has socks older than him and “not to forget it!” Another comedic moment occurs when Noah practices meeting Colt beforehand, reaching out his hand and trying various opening greetings.
The drama is a big part of the film. Noah is battling the bottle and drinking too much. Larry constantly rides him to quit and to be prepared for his concerts. Becoming a father is good for Noah, who appreciates the love he receives from his son. In one touching scene, J.J. hugs his father and says, “I love you, Daddy,” and Noah is visibly touched. Mariel Hemingway plays Noah’s mother, Sara, and John Laughlin plays his dad, Jeremiah.
The film displays some realistic life moments, including Noah getting into a fistfight in a bar, and there are various scenes of him drinking. On the other hand, his parents pray over their meals, and the gospel message is presented in the film, and Noah comes to the conclusion that he has to make a change. There’s a nice church scene featured in which the pastor preaches a sermon about sacrificing for the Lord.
In another meaningful scene, Noah’s mother shows him his father’s belt buckles, won for bull riding competitions. Noah learns his father quit bull riding in order to take care of his family. Near the end of the movie, Noah’s dad surprises him in a way that reveals he’s not as against Noah using his talent as Noah might have thought. The film features various scenes pointing to the need for Christ in one’s life. And one of the songs is about stepping up when the pressure is on, and that’s what it means to be a man.
THINK ABOUT IT: There are various spiritual scenes, including one with Noah praying on his knees. And he realizes that life without God is not really living life to its fullest. This film definitely features a Christian world view and shows what can happen when one is willing to forgive, to ask for forgiveness, and to follow the leading of the Lord. It is recommended for Ages 12+. It also presents the need for second chances in life.