Imbecilic, childish, moronic – all expectable terms seasoned filmgoers could use to describe this film. But this film was not made for adults. Nor would older teens be much interested in it. A man sat in front of me at the screening with his three-year-old sitting on his lap. She was entranced. It amused her. Indeed, it was made for her. This film is for the Nickelodeon set. The infantile jokes made her laugh and the adventure kept her glued to the screen. Should parents be worried about the film’s content? Well, although it’s a kid’s fantasy about them-verses-us, it’s fairly harmless, and it contains a positive message about friendship. Parents should be aware, that the kids show disrespect for the school principal (their contempt for this unlikable man is in the form of snowball attacks throughout the film) and the snowplow man (a very weird guy), but these are cartoonish figures, symbolic of unfeeling authority figures. Rather than deem such a film unsuitable for children, I think parents should discuss why little ones should show respect not just for people they like, but also for people they don’t (Matthew 5:43-48).
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