This is a wrenching, but ultimately uplifting film dealing with a difficult subject: the loss of a child and its aftermath. Fawcett gives a powerful performance as a depressed and distant woman. As we learn of the child’s death, we begin to understand her painful detachment. Sumptuously photographed on a northeastern resort island, the film has a beautiful look. Exceptional writing and engaging performances make this powerful television. However, frustrated with the inability to break through his wife’s distant behavior, the husband, during an argument, blurts out a misuse of Christ’s name. Because we draw the line at the profane use of God’s name or that of His Son’s, we are unable to recommend “Baby” for family viewing.
Believe me, nothing is more frustrating than to come across a quality film that has a positive message, but also profanes God’s name. Language used in a movie defines a character’s personality and beliefs. “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord you God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” Exodus 20:7. If God does not want us to be irreverent with His name, how do you think He feels about us supporting entertainment that does? (I don’t normally suggest this, but if you hope TNT won’t use Christ’s name as a mere expletive in future projects, please let them know that you find it offensive. Call TNT at 404-885-4784. And please do it with Christ’s love).