Does this sound familiar? I’m surprised the producers didn’t get Linda Blair to do a cameo. Based on a true story, the film is nearly a duplicate of the superior “The Exorcist.” Here, the child is a boy, but we have the same story structure, including a priest struggling with his own faith and a household of nonbelievers. There is a scene depicting the child playing with an Ouija board, just as Linda Blair’s character did in “The Exorcist.” There’s even a duplicate shot of a priest walking up to the front door, as we saw in the poster of “The Exorcist.” Along with credible performances, this TV-made film does make some important statements. For example, although the priests doubt themselves, ultimately they will defeat this ordeal because God is in control. “If God is with us, who can prevail against us.” The film also discusses Christ and his suffering for mankind. And, in an effort to explain how a person opens himself up to possession, this film, like “The Exorcist,” depicts the innocent child playing with an Ouija board game. I have always maintained that we should not use Ouija boards for entertainment purposes. It deals with the occult. I think the Word is clear about such practices. “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them.” Leviticus 19:31
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