A very insightful look at the power of the media and the dastardly act of reporting unsubstantiated facts. In this case, it’s okay, however, because their chosen victim is a religious right-winger. And we know they are all hypocrites. Well, isn’t that what “The Contender” just got through telling us? And a few years back, Rob Reiner’s “American President”? As a matter of interest, when was the last time you saw a conservative portrayed in a good light on the silver screen? And speaking of hypocrisy, when a religious conservative is found guilty of a private offense, he must be hounded from office even if he is doing a capable job. If, on the other hand, a liberal is destructive in his private life, it’s none of our business. As I recently stated in my review of “The Contender,” there’s just no balance in the entertainment mediums when it comes to political, social and religious stances. Shouldn’t we be concerned when any one political party (or group of filmmakers) can misrepresent another party?
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