The good: I don’t know why but I enjoy watching Ice Cube. I think it’s because he’s the perfect tough guy for “B” movies with his kick butt attitude and sarcastic rhetoric. The basic story premise and idea is a good one. Had it been done in a different way (intense and scary without being gory and goofy), it would have been a better movie. The not-so-good: Making a sci-fi movie about Mars being possessed with ancient spirits that overtake humans probably looked good on paper but when the characters and grotesque masochistic creatures are on-screen speaking the ridiculous dialogue, acting out the macabre violence and carrying out brutal acts of terror, it ends up being a different kind of movie. John Carpenter is known for his shocking thrillers so I expected this movie to be close to what is was only really scary and really good. Even though there are a couple of good scenes and intense moments, overall this is a disappointing movie. It’s a violent story filled with harsh characters, disgusting monster-looking humans who safetypin their flesh, paint themselves up to look like the rock group “Kiss”, behead and kill anything that walks. The violence is played out in gory fashion with several beheadings, brutal and lethal hand-to-hand combat and other tactics that basically depict demonic possession. Profane language, sexual dialogue, and drug use is used throughout the story. I found it rather humorous that in one scene, even the ghost that enters the body of a woman hallucinating on drugs immediately leaves again. Even though this movie plays like a “B” cartoon-like sci-fi action flick, it will be too gory, dark and demonic for most moviegoers.
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