A Frozen Christmas Dance: Christmas Miracle is one of many animated episodes that showcase Christmas time in Sunnyville, where a community of animals lives harmoniously among a magical setting of giant lollipops and cupcakes scattered around their beautiful sunny town. In this episode it’s Christmas and all of Sunnyville is preparing for a wonderful holiday with a non-stop dance party, and Santa promises to perform a miracle for his friends this year because he deems them so deserving. As Santa visits the townsfolk, he asks them what kind of miracle they would like, and each one has a suggestion: Buttercup the pig would like a teleporter to the bakery, so everyone could have cookies and ice cream whenever they would like; and Lolly the dragon would like an airport, so she could easily fly residents back and forth to magical lands.
Between Santa’s visits he breaks out into dance with the other characters as a variety of catchy and often familiar songs play, from lullabies to Christmas carols, with all of Sunnyville engaged in a dance party in this high-quality production. These interludes are a large portion of the show, but Santa and the others get several chances throughout to communicate moral messages about doing good and loving others. In this cute episode they tell the viewer to share their ideas with friends and family because more can be accomplished when working together; and you shouldn’t overeat, but instead you should eat healthy and get plenty of exercise.
The townsfolk ultimately determine that they already have the only miracle they need, which is the loving community around them. Santa agrees and decides that he will instead use his miracle to see to it that everyone in the world has a magical Christmas. This cheerful episode is a wonderful opportunity to sing and dance with children while discussing the important messages about friendship, self-care, and the magic of life.