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In this fantasy-action film, Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) is a young medical doctor caught in a thousand-year-old battle between two species of immortals: Vampires and Lycans (werewolves). The Vampires are portrayed as the aristocrats, and the Lycans as the underclass. The Lycans are after Corvin, and the Vampires, led by beautiful, expert Lycan-hunter Selene (Kate Beckinsale), want to know why. Corvin ends up saving Selene's life and winning her heart. With a mystery remaining and time diminishing before the ritualistic awakening of an ancient, sleeping predator, Selene discovers plots a nd traitors that threaten the very existence of her species. She must choose between allegiance to the Vampire coven and loyalty to Corvin as she begins to understand that the war she has been fighting is not at all what it seems.