Jim Carrey is a fantastically funny guy and in this film he has a heart of gold at the end of the movie. This film os one I believe we can all relate to. It deals with the focus of our lives, our goals, and dreams for the future and how many times we can mess them totally up. Bruce has his eye on a job promotion at his TV station and he is obsessed with it excluding all other areas of his life, like his girlfriend ?????. In one scene, she is trying to put together a photo album of their life together and she wants him to help, but all he can talk about and focus on is the job promotion that he wants. Finally, she gets exasperated and says “just forget it.” It seems that she is a strong believer and prays a lot, mostly for Bruce. Bruce believes in God, but blames him for everything that goes wrong in his life and feels God is not doing His job. Bruce finds out that God really does answer prayers and he should be careful what he prays for, when God gives Bruce His job and says “think you can do better?” There are some extremely funny scenes while Bruce has the power of the Almighty God like when he has his dog going to the bathroom on the toilet instead of on the living room chair where he normally liked to go. All in all, this film treats religion in a respectful and tasteful fashion. I recommend this edited version of “Bruce Almighty.”
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