This is a nostalgic reunion of the Mystery Inc. gang with the monsters of their past, including the Pterodactyl Ghost, the Black-Knight Ghost, Captain Cutler’s Ghost, the Swamp-Deep-Sea-Diver Ghost and the 10,000-Volt Ghost. A few questionable points result in the movie’s PG rating. A dog is starstruck by seeing Scooby-Doo at a social function and says, “Smell my butt.” In order to get Patrick’s attention romantically, Velma wears a tight-fitting leather suit. After a female character is found to be a man, a male character says, “You’ve been a dude the whole time? But we cuddled!” And, as in the predecessor, Scooby’s flatulence is once again used as a gag. Overall, however, “Scooby-Doo 2” is an innocent, fun-loving and enjoyable film.
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