I just saw “Saw”. If you would see what I just saw, you would see insight into the writer’s (James Wan and Leigh Whannel) insane perverted brilliance. I can’t see how these guys come up with the most outrageous, gory, and sick scripts.
Why it isn’t family friendly: There is almost too much to mention. The extreme violence and sick nature of the theme of the film is certainly a good place to start. There is a lot of blood and sick things the criminal makes his victims do. Also, there is way too much unecessary vulgar, obscene and profane language.
What makes Saw interesting: I thought I had this film figured out at the very beginning, right when I saw the guy, I said to myself, he did it. So, as a result of this arrogance, I was bored through most of the film thinking that I had it all figured out. Stupid me. There is a fantastic, brilliant twist in this film. The only problem is that you have to sit through blood and gore to see it. This writing, while sick, because I can’t believe they can think this stuff up, is tremendously well thought out and extremely interesting in the end. Danny Glover plays a cop, Detective Tapp, who is consumed by this unsolved case. He has seen his partner killed by this sicko, and was almost killed himself. Cary Elwes, (Princess Bride, Robin Hood Men in Tights) played Dr. Lawrence Gordon, a skilled doctor who seems engrossed in his work, but is he really?
This film is definitely not a family-friendly film.