“Mindhunters” is the wrong title for this film. It should more rightly be called “Mindwasters” as this is what those unfortunates who actually spent 106 minutes in a theater watching this movie were doing. This is a classic textbook exercise in how to make a B-movie without really trying. Take a group of egotistical FBI agents, strand them all together on a well armed island with a killer, and then watch the blood flow. This was one of the most predictable movies I have ever watched. There was less suspense than visual gore. The serial killer known as “The Puppeteer” may have been pulling the agent’s strings but not mine. I felt like yelling at the screen, “Don’t do that” to each upcoming victim shortly before they met their demise every single time. Not only is this film not Dove Approved, it should never have made the theaters either.
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