It is a shame that the language of this film has over twenty profanities in the dialog. Otherwise this movie could have been a film more family-friendly. However, that is not the case. This update of the Kong movie was directed by Peter Jackson, the director of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. As he did with those movies, Jackson puts some visually stunning images on the screen. Viewers will have dropped jaws as they view the attacks of giant animals including dinosaurs, which fight against the main characters, and against each other. And there is the geography of Skull Island to consider which is, we find, aptly named, and provides some stunning images. The shipwreck they nearly experience when they arrive is portrayed in an eerie mist of fog which lends itself well to the film. And then there is King Kong himself, a stunning creation and largest silverback gorilla you ever saw. Naomi Watts is absolutely perfect as the woman who warms up to Kong after initially screaming her head off and then standing up to him. When he protects her from Skull Island’s vicious behemoths her perspective changes.
This stunningly life-like Kong is so well done by the computer techs and enhanced by the acting of Andy Serkis, who provided movement for Kong, that he blends in easily as a real character. Jackson has given him a humorous personality and a bond with Ann Darrow that was never realized in past incarnations of King Kong. There were moments in the film when I was genuinely moved. However, the Dove Seal of approval cannot be given due to the language. What a shame.
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