This movie is like so many others made in Hollywood these days. It has an interesting story and some good moments, but the violence and language are very strong and do not allow us to award it the Dove Seal. The blood is sprayed in this one as the character of V, and his enemies, cause the early demise of many people. Viewers should know that besides the strong language and graphic violence, that there are a couple of scenes of two women kissing. Also, Evey dresses up as a young child and goes into a priest’s room and he thinks they are going to have sex. The scene definitely conjures up the idea that he would not refrain from child pornography. In addition, the leader of the country is a conservative and religious, but he desires power and he is corrupt. This film does not portray conservative religious people in a good light at all. Are all conservative religious people corrupt? Despite good performances from Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman, this is not one for the family.
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