This film does have its gross “Fear Factor” moments, but the story overall is pretty much good fun and the kids in this movie act much as kids do in real life. New-kid-at-school Billy is bullied by Joe, who as a prank puts some worms in Billy’s thermos and all the kids laugh at lunchtime. When Billy throws a worm and it lands in Joe’s eye, Joe challenges Billy to eat some worms, and Billy claims he can eat ten before 7 pm on the day determined. The kids break into two teams – Billy’s team and Joe’s team, and as Joe’s team finds inventive ways to cook the worms including frying them, the gross-out fun soon begins.
The kids loved this film at the screening I attended. They laughed and said, “Ewwww…….” at the appropriate times. As far as the content, we just want to note a young toddler in the film named Woody says the word “penis” in an innocent way. During the conclusion of the story, Billy wins over Joe and the other kids so this fun-filled film even has a great ending. When you go to see it, I suggest you eat something simple, like popcorn. All in all, “How to Eat Fried Worms” is a gross out good time!