This film premiered in 1970 and although the style of clothing has changed a lot, and the music, the theme of rebellion and the need for love is still as current and relevent as it was then. This film is based on David Wilkerson’s book which carries the same title, “The Cross and the Switchblade.” This movie is not for those under twelve. Although not gratuitous, there are some scenes of blood as a result of the gangs’ rumbles, which include using baseball bats, blades, and chains. Drug use is shown several times too but there is redemption for many of these characters as Wilkerson’s preaching wins some of them over, including his hardest case–Nicky Cruz, played by Eric Estrada.
There is talk of drug use and prostitution and a few girls wear short skirts, but the redemptive qualities of this film are worth seeing, so we award this film four doves and approve it for twelve and up.